
We started working with BT Openreach in 2018, to understand their compliance needs and business objectives. Using our experience and knowledge from other industries, along with the support of many BT & Openreach departments, we developed Telecoms specific equipment, processes, training and testing and started rolling out the project in 2019.  

Having sat down at the beginning of the process with the Openreach Safety Team, to gain an understanding of the tasks, the risks, the existing processes, and training requirements, we started field trials and testing.  

This resulted in the largest ever roll out of 20,000 + Ladder Safety Systems producing and delivering to both BT Openreach and their partners. 

In a short space of time, we are now working with and supporting Telecoms providers Nationally & Internationally. 

Please see the Workplace Feature in the Autumn 2019 Communications Workers Union publication, “The Voice” where CWU assistant secretary Davie Bowman, explains the Tetra equipment and new safe methods of work being introduced across Openreach.  

You’ll also see the summary from T&FS Executive member Tom Cooper who has been the union’s national safety lead on the Tetra project and tells Voice: “I have been involved with Tetra from Day One.  “In my 40 years with BT and the CWU, Tetra is the most important safety innovation I have been associated with.  “It’s the safest way to work at height from a ladder you can get.” 

Please contact our team for further information on the Kits and Training Options.